" I'm excited to offer a different view of Tadao, ​​of the work and the person. And to discover what appears to translate my knowledge in this environment. "

Mishiko Sato


A experimental documentary film by Mishiko Sato & Hiroto Nitano

Tadao Ando is the starting point of the film, and who led the first meeting of the filmmaker and the architect. They agreed at a conference on architecture, art and city in which Hiroto did not hesitate to start a conversation with Mishiko after hearing her presentation on the figure of Tadao.

Both admire his work, and wonder about the creator. And together they will rebuild Koshino House.

Produced by Tokyo Architekt and Origami Films, and supported by Japan Film Commission and Osaka City Council.

" I do not know how it happened but this time I build a house, along with a story. And it is the best way to tell it, no doubt. "

Hiroto Nitano